Continually Sharpening

A theological blog by Dr. Janelle Zeeb

Why Doesn't God Make My Life Perfect?

One question I've heard frequently is:

"If God is love (1 John 4:16), then why doesn't God make my life perfect? Wouldn't that be a loving thing for him to do? Doesn't God want me to be happy, well-fed, safe, healthy, and rich? If not, then how can I …


The Symbolism of the Beast From the Sea

One of the more complicated and misunderstood symbols in the Book of Revelation is the seven-headed beast that John saw coming out of the sea in Revelation chapters 13 and 17.

This beast relates to a particularly evil man who is referred to in the Bible as the Antichrist (1 …


Overview of My Christocentric Theory of Inclusivism

This is an overview of my series of blog posts where I attempt to build a case for a Christocentric theory of soteriological inclusivism.

Or in other words, this is a summary of my attempt to explain how I believe that all people will have a fair opportunity to hear …


Read This When Millions of People Suddenly Disappear

Have millions or even billions of people around the world suddenly disappeared all at once, in the blink of an eye? Even perhaps including some of your friends and family?

Is the world full of fear, confusion, and chaos as a result?

Are the world's leading experts claiming that it …


Will All Christians Be Raptured?

Sometimes when I bring up the topic of the Rapture, it seems to make some Christians nervous, rather than excited.

Yet the promise that Jesus will one day suddenly return in the clouds to resurrect all deceased Christians, transform all living Christians from mortal to immortal, and then take us …


My Theory of Christian Inclusivism

This post is the culmination of several of my previous blog posts. In them, I explored why I believe that Christians need to endorse some sort of theory of soteriological inclusivism in order for us to be faithful to all the verses in the Bible that tell us about who …


Are There Divine Truths in Nature or Other Religions?

In my past several posts, I've been building a case for why I believe that some sort of theory of Christian inclusivism is necessary if Christians want to believe everything the Bible says about which individuals will be eternally saved.

As a reminder, Christian inclusivism is the idea that although …


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