Continually Sharpening

A theological blog by Dr. Janelle Zeeb

Articles About Open Theism

How Could Jesus Be Tempted?

In the Easter story, Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane before he is about to be betrayed by Judas and arrested, brought to trial, and shortly thereafter, crucified.

All three synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke) record that when Jesus was in Gethsemane, he prayed,

Father, if you are willing …


Theodicy as a Criteria for Theology

In an earlier post, I talked about why I'm interested in theodicy. Theodicy is the attempt to defend God's goodness despite all the evil and suffering in the world.

In this post, I want to talk more about how theodicy is one criteria I use to determine some of my …


Open Theism and Bible Prophecy

I came across a book chapter titled "Open Theism in the Hands of an Angry Puritan: Jonathan Edwards on Divine Foreknowledge" by C. Samuel Storms.1 Storms tries to use Jonathan Edwards' arguments about God's foreknowledge to refute open theism.

Since I wrote my Master of Theological Studies thesis on …


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