Continually Sharpening

A theological blog by Dr. Janelle Zeeb

Articles About Holy Spirit

Christians Are Superheros

It seems like there is a never-ending stream of superhero movies being released lately. Clearly, there is some demand for this genre of story.

In many of these stories, an average person is suddenly given some sort of super-powers, and they then go on to use these powers to fight …


What Does it Mean to Be Made in God's Image?

For one assignment in a Christology course I took as part of my PhD, I wrote a review of Oliver D. Crisp's book The Word Enfleshed: Exploring the Person and Work of Christ (2016).

While this book is quite philosophical and not meant for beginners in theology, there were a …


Is Eternal Life Opt-In or Opt-Out?

One of my highly recommended books is Does God Love Everyone? The Heart of What is Wrong with Calvinism by Jerry L. Walls.

Walls has a very good introduction to the debate between Calvinists and Arminians, and good insight into what he thinks the debate is ultimately about.

I do …


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