Continually Sharpening

A theological blog by Dr. Janelle Zeeb

Articles About Death

Christians Should Not Fear Death

If there's anything obvious about the world in 2020 and 2021, it's that fear of death is everywhere (especially in the media).

Incredible precautions are taken against an illness that kills only a very small percentage of people who get it, many of whom were already ill with other conditions …


Defending God's Justice Regarding Death

One of the frequent objections that atheists or opponents of Christianity frequently raise is about all those times in the Old Testament when God kills people, or tells the Israelites to kill certain people.

These critics claim that a God of love would never act like this, that it is …


The Christian Hope of Resurrection

This past Sunday was Easter Sunday, where Christians celebrate Jesus' resurrection, when He came back to life after being killed by crucifixion.

But unfortunately, it seems that our understanding of Jesus' resurrection is frequently disconnected from other Christian doctrines, and especially, from what Christians believe about heaven.

A common description …


The Most Convincing Arguments for Hell as Annihilation

I was recently on a discussion forum where there was a debate going on about the nature of hell.

Someone was arguing for the traditional view where people who are sent to hell will be tortured forever (a.k.a. eternal conscious torment), whereas I was trying to get them …


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